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Welcome to my second blog post about my favourite bits and bobs for when I am baking. Last time it was cake tins, now it’s small baking appliances!

There are many different parts to baking equipment from stand mixers to blenders, and food processors to microwaves so I hope this blog post helps! 

Every kitchen is different and every budget is different so I have listed below the products that I use and love, and also cheaper products that I have used and loved and will still work well. I hope this blog post helps!

Please note that these links are affiliate links so I will earn a commission from any sales through the links. 

Stand Mixers

I have a few pieces of electrical equipment that I use for baking ALL of the time. None are completely essential, you can always make most recipes without them, but these are the few that I would always highly recommend if you can get them! 

For stand mixers, I always love my KitchenAid mixer. I actually have two, one is quite old and one is newer, but they are both the 4.8L artisan size, and I find they are perfect for basically all baking! 

One tool I do recommend buying for the KitchenAid stand mixer is the Flexi edge beater – the attachments that the stand mixers come with are lovely and beautiful, but I do love the Flexi edge. 

If you are more of a Kenwood person, I do also have a Mary Berry Kenwood Chef and I also love that. Both types of stand mixers are incredible, but both are slightly pricier. 

If you still want to look into a stand mixer but you want something cheaper, that is also totally fine. A mixer is a mixer, and I can understand that some are much more expensive than others! Something simple like a tower stand mixer can easily help you in baking. 

Hand Mixers

If you want to look at something a bit smaller, an electric hand whisk is also brilliant. I do use both as I find an electric hand whisk and a regular bowl just as good and sometimes easier than a stand mixer! 

I love my KitchenAid hand whisk and have used it for years now and I love it. I do also have the Breville heat soft hand whisk and it is also really good – and a cheaper price point.

You can however pick up electric hand whisks for as little as £5 in some places, and they will do the job if you don’t bake often! 

Food Processors

One of the questions I get asked LOADS is what food processors do I use?! The main one I have used for years and years is a Kenwood 1.2L food processor that isn’t sold anymore, but this one is the equivalent

It’s the food processor I use to grate a tonne of cheese and carrot if I need to because the attachments help, and it’s the food processor I use in all of my videos when making a biscuit base for a cheesecake

I also bought myself the Mini Kitchenaid food processor for when I want to chop up small amounts of chocolate, nuts, and biscuits for bakes without having to get the bigger pieces of equipment out! 

I also have a 3.1L KitchenAid food processor which is a beast, but so good! It can do so much more and fit so much more in because of the size. 

If you are looking for a more compact and cheaper food processor, this Kenwood compact food processor is great – it’s a cheaper price point, and it can get the job done which is obviously the main point! 


Blenders and food processors can often be clubbed together but I do use them for different things. I have a KitchenAid blender which I love and it is amazing for making smoothies, milkshakes, and anything like that! The power behind it is incredible. 

Most of the time you can get away with a food processor to do all the bits a blender can, but I do find using a handheld stick blender really useful sometimes. It is perfect for making sauces, making coulis and anything like that! I have a lovely Kenwood one I have had for years and it’s perfect for the job. 


There are a few other bits of baking equipment that I have in my kitchen that I get asked about a lot on social media, or videos, or whenever people can see into my kitchen! These are not essential items at all, but I thought I would list them here as I always get questions about these bits and bobs. 

At the moment I have a sage barista touch coffee machine – I bought it last year as my old sage Nespresso machine stopped work, and I love the entire bean to cup element of it! I also love how you can adapt and change settings to suit the coffee perfectly! I won’t lie though, I mainly use it to make hot chocolates. 

I do however also have a Hotel Chocolate velvetiser which is so good – you simply add in the satchets of chocolate that you can also buy from them, and turn it on! It creates the smoothest and most amazing chocolate drinks ever. 

I also have a Panasonic bread maker – bread makers can be useful when you don’t have a stand mixer for the kneading and proving stage of bread making, but then also they come with their own recipes which can be great as well! I adore making bread from scratch, but I know lots of people prefer bread makers. 

More and more I am getting requests about recipes using air fryers, in particular doughnut recipes, and I decided to finally buy one to experiment with. Whilst I haven’t posted any recipes using it yet, it was a cheap and cheerful air fryer and I really like it! 

Finally, one bit of equipment that I use quite often, even if it isn’t really for baking is a slow cooker! Slow cooker fudge is becoming so popular though so if you are tempted to try it, all of my condensed milk fudge recipes work in the slow cooker too

So I hope this list of baking equipment has helped! If you have any questions about any of the bits and bobs I recommend then let me know in the comments! 

Find my Recipes on my Recipes Page!

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J x

© Jane’s Patisserie. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this post, please re-write the post in your own words and credit me, or link back to this post for the post.



  1. Eithne on January 27, 2025 at 9:34 pm

    Hi Jane,
    I was just wondering how much you can fit in your kitchenaid mixers? Like how many cakes or batches of icing do you fit?

  2. Jeanette on November 7, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    Hi Jane ,

    Can you let me know what the name of your electric portable hob is or how high it goes up to. Thank you.

  3. Ashleigh on March 5, 2023 at 8:01 am

    Hi Jane
    I have the same copper kitchen aid but mine is tarnished. How do you keep yours looking so good? I can’t seem to clean mine up at all!
    Thank you x

  4. Debbie Rose on February 12, 2023 at 10:49 am

    Hi , I’d like to know what saucepans you use especially for caramel . I can’t seem to get a thick based saucepan that stops the caramel from sticking and burning 😊

  5. Steph Wright on November 6, 2022 at 8:54 am

    You’re lists / Amazon shop have been a game changer for me.
    I have quite a lot of the equipment already but looked through for missing things and the recommendations you made.
    The oven thermometer was a shocker! I was 30° out! No wonder some of my bakes weren’t working too well.
    The 8” rounds of lining paper also a massive save on waste paper and money in the long run I’m sure.
    I adore your blog and both books. I’m now medically retired at 42 and have always loved to cook and bake. You’ve really helped inspire me to experiment and improve those skills. The videos are SO helpful and having that hobby saves my sanity. The family get to enjoy the fruits of my labour too. Thank you lovely lady x

  6. Joanne Mullett on December 26, 2021 at 10:00 am

    Hi Jane, do you have any recommendations for a came turntable please? I’m looking at upgrading the one I purchased for £3

    • Jane's Patisserie on December 30, 2021 at 12:40 pm

      Hiya! Take a look at my amazon shop on the main menu of my blog – I link both the turntables I use! Hope this helps! x

  7. Helen on September 22, 2021 at 4:25 pm

    Hi Jane, apologies if you’ve answered this elsewhere, but is there a particular make/size of saucepan you’d recommend for making caramel? I need a heavier-bottomed one, but not sure what to look for! Love the recipes! Thank you.

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