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Happy ten years of caking, baking, blogging, eating, researching and experimenting to Jane’s Patisserie!

So, ten years…

I can’t actually quite believe that this blog has existed for TEN YEARS?! I know for some this might mean absolutely nothing of significance, but for me, this is entirely mental.

I have always been extraordinarily good at starting something, such as a job, and getting bored very quickly and leaving. It was quite the negative habit to have when I was younger and trying to get into the world of working. I quickly realised that I just wasn’t doing what I wanted to do, and I really did just want to cook and bake.

Instead of university, I went to Ashburton Chefs Academy for a 6 month intensive course that I would recommend to every single person in the world. The school is based down in Devon, and it was out of this world. It taught me everything I needed to know about food, and how to understand it and appreciate it.

I remember being sat with my 15 other classmates trying to work out what I wanted to call my blog whilst I was there. The original plan was to start a blog to document my journey of cookery school, but the journey was so intense I didn’t start my blog until five months after, and everyone in my class had helped me name it – my highest marked part of the school, was the Patisserie section = Jane’s Patisserie.

The blog has evolved over the years to be something way beyond my dreams could have imagined. I was excited if I go 1000 views on my blog in a month when I first started, but now I am getting several millions of views a month, nearing 50 million views a year?! FIFTY MILLION?!

I got super lucky and managed to get a book deal, for just one book, back in 2021. I think my publishing team will happily admit, we never thought it would sell that many copies… I think we all thought it would sell maybe about 12,000 copies?! It turned out to be the FASTEST SELLING BAKING BOOK EVER. Within the first day it had sold 12k copies. On release, it had sold 44,444 copies – fun fact, my lucky number is 4.

Since, I have gained a total of four instant Sunday Number One Times Bestselling books, and that is all thanks TO YOU. You are the people who support me and buy these books – and I can’t say thank you enough.

My entire reason for this blog existing was to get people into the kitchen, so that more people could bake at home, cook at home, and enjoy food. Homemade food is good food, but also, just learning a skill in the kitchen is good. Yes, some of my recipes are super easy, and do use shop bought ingredients and are too easy for some, but as long as one person has got into their kitchen to make that recipe and they are happy with the results, it’s worth it.

My recipes vary all over from your basic vanilla cupcakes, to a two tier celebration cake with a drip, ganache and more. Homemade macaroni cheese, sausage rolls, carrot cake, endless amounts of cheesecakes and so on – there is something for everyone here, and I hope you all adore the recipes.

I myself have severely struggled with aspects of food in the past, extreme anxiety and mental health problems, and baking has always been that positive part of life to bring me back. The journey of owning this blog has been extremely hard in parts where I really did want to pack it all in and give up. People in my life said it was nothing, said I would never go anywhere, and it was all a bit of a joke… For me, the fact that people adore baking now, people have set up companies based on my recipes, people enjoy what they make on a whim, it is all worth it.

I know this blog post is a little different, but I just basically wanted to write a thank you letter of sorts to everyone. This blog has been my solace and therapy over the last ten years, and it’s all because of everyone who follows me. I basically just want to say thank you to everyone who has ever followed me, liked a social media post, bought a book, baked a recipe, said hello when you’ve bumped into me, come to see me at events, and of course, supported me in any other way.

Thank you for the best ten years I could have ever possibly asked for, love you all.

Jane x


Find my other recipes on my Recipes Page!

You can find me on:

J x

© Jane’s Patisserie. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words and credit me, or link back to this post for the recipe.


  1. Lynn Hill on February 11, 2025 at 10:51 am

    Many congratulations on 10 years of blogging and food writing. Here’s to many more. Wishing you all the best.

  2. Jayne on November 4, 2024 at 8:11 am

    Jane, I cannot tell you how much your blog and recipes have helped me. I never baked a thing in my life and 3 years ago had an accident that turned my world upside down. I found a recipe of yours while mindlessly scrolling the Internet and that was it. I love your recipes, in fact everyone loves your recipes, they have turned me into an actual baker whose baked and unbaked goods taste great and are loved by everyone. Baking has become my therapy. I enjoy your blog and recipes so much. Congratulations on your 10th birthday and I look forward to the next 10 years of great recipes and informative post.

  3. Julia on November 4, 2024 at 3:33 am

    Dear Jane,
    Thank you for this message and being so open. I would never have guessed that you had health problems, baking and bogging really seem to give you much happiness. I am struggling myself with mental health issues and an eating disorder. I think we don’t talk enough about these issues in our societies… For me, it is baking biscuits that helps me to calm down a bit. The only trouble is that I am very bad at eating them. But friends and family are always glad to receive a little gift.
    Carry on, your blog is wonderful and a true heaven for inspiration.
    Thank you and all my best wishes to you,

  4. Pam on November 3, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog! I have followed your blogs/recipes the last 10 years. It especially touched me where you talked about finding a purpose from going through different jobs early on to then find your passion! This is something I can truly relate. All my life I have always enjoyed the idea of being creative but wasn’t sure what with. Then I found a love for baking but more so when following your recipes. It really made it so enjoyable and I lose count now on how many bakes I’ve made from your recipes but also learning a lot of tips too! You’ve really made a huge impact on my baking journey and helped with my confidence in baking, and for that alone I will forever be grateful! I luckily had the opportunity to meet you a couple years ago at Cake International. I was so nervous but so excited to meet you and you were so lovely! A huge congratulations celebrating 10 years! You truly deserve everything good that comes your way! And here’s to the next 10 years and more!

    Pam xx

  5. Desy on November 3, 2024 at 4:47 pm

    Congratulations for reaching this important milestone! You deserve everything and more! By the way, can I ask what kind of cake did you bake in the photo?

    • Jane's Patisserie on November 5, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      It was a lemon cake! And thank you!!

  6. JW on November 3, 2024 at 11:02 am

    Dear Jane, thank you for the happyness you gave me with your blog all these years. Cannot believe that it was a decade!! Though I shifted to bread baking the last years, I still see you every sunday and your cookies and fudge fundamentals are my go to’s and I know them by heart. Lots of love from the Netherlands.

    • Jane's Patisserie on November 3, 2024 at 12:49 pm

      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like them x

  7. Jan on November 3, 2024 at 9:42 am

    Just read your blog…it touched my heart…I M72 years old and you have re-awakened my love for baking …your books and fb page are always my go to….thankyou….

    • Jane's Patisserie on November 3, 2024 at 12:49 pm

      Ah yay! I am so so happy you like them!

  8. Rob on November 3, 2024 at 9:20 am

    I love your boiks and love the recipes.
    Don’t get as much time as I would like in the kitchen but your recipes help with the quick and easy, to the more complicated.
    I helped mum from a young age and never looked back.
    Congratulations and keep up the amazing work xx

  9. Laura on November 3, 2024 at 8:46 am

    Thank you for all the yummy recipes!!

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